All Microsoft Windows operating systems in Home or Professional format, 32-bit / 64-bit.
BitDisk 10 supports PC systems with SSD hard drives and MBR, U-EFI / GPT modes.
For security reasons, it is not possible to retrieve the BitDisk password.
Apart from the passwords assigned by the licensee, no other passwords exist.
It is recommended to completely rebuild the system to be protected (partitioning; installation and configuration of the operating system).
If this is not possible, the partition to be protected should be defragmented and all temporary files (Disk Cleanup) should be deleted.
It is currently important that MS Windows 10 is up to date with the latest software before installing BitDisk10.
For all Windows – Updates should be up to date, especially for Windows 10 !!!!
BitDisk 10 supports partitions to be protected on a second hard disk.
Three-level configuration of USB protection is available to the user only in BitDisk 10 version.
Yes. It is possible to create a second partition and make it available in a folder, on the protected partition, instead of giving it a drive letter.
All data & programs stored/installed in this folder will then be placed on the second partition even if the folder is on the protected drive.
This is equally valid for all BitDisk versions! You can find detailed instructions here
Yes, the new BitConsole can manage and control all BitDisk systems or even NON-BitDisk Systems. More info